SO you're considering becoming a team member OR you ARE a member of my team! welcome, gorgeous. ♥

When I joined as an artist I knew I would be in it for the long run. I started out just wanting to share the amazing makeup I'd grown to obsess over the previous year and grew a desire to start a team. Making new girlfriends hasn't been easy for my competitive and open minded soul (I pretty much never "take sides") but as a full time Mompreneur with Sincerely Jaclynn Photography, my desire to make friends grew every year in business. This is my way of having an open invitation to women who are goal oriented, looking to make friends, too, and want an excuse for more weekend getaways with the girls! (March-NASHVILLE August-VEGAS!!!)


monthly meet-ups!


Photog Leader =
Free stock photos + headshots! (lack of pretty photos is no excuse.)


in-person / team call trainings for our friends out of state!


travel & party with us!


all the training and daily support you'll need to start & stay strong. ♥


all you need to do is commit to something new and show up!

the heart behind the name

meta vie

Mariah & I are head of this team and the truth is...we're pretty crunchy. We DREAM BIG. We believe the "impossible" can be made possible if you're willing to show up and do the work. We don't just believe it. We KNOW it through personal experience. Sometimes, our positive outlook on life and what we can accomplish in this one is more than team members have been able to process in the past...resulting in our small team. However, we believe by being open about the way we view this life, will result in attracting women who feel the same and can't wait to travel with us and participate in "woo-woo" conversations! ♥

Meta Vie.
Life through travel, beauty,
and the metaphysical.

We believe in energy and the way it effects us. We believe in the power of manifestation. We believe in naturopathy (to a certain extent. Mariah is a nurse!). We believe in pursuing healthy relationships, breakthroughs, and endless self love.


No! You will be given a website PRE-BUILT by Maskcara where all of your orders will be taken and filled FOR YOU! Know your new business/hobby will be well represented because Maskcara packaging is to die for and you don't even have to lift a finger to get it from their shopping cart to their hands.

do I have to fill orders?

What if I don't know where to start? (No social media following etc.)

Is this a "pyramid scheme"?

what if my spouse is not supportive?

From the moment you sign up there are MULTIPLE teams of women who have your back and want you to succeed. And guess what?! We don't make any money until you do. That's right. We are not "rewarded" financially until YOU DO WELL so every effort is 100% sincere. We also have a gorgeous training app, team email drip, and endless resources.

do i have to fill orders?

what if i don't know where to start?

is this a "pyramid scheme"?

what if my spouse is not supportive?

do I have to fill orders?

what if I don't know where to start?

is this a "pyramid scheme"?

what if my spouse is not supportive?

In the way your are thinking of it (which is actually NOT the real definition) YES! And it's beautiful. It means there are people who only make money off of you...if YOU are making money, too! Can you imagine if your boss got a raise ONLY if you got a raise? They would probably be pushing for more raises for you, no? I'm also mostly here to make FRIENDS so there's that, too. Most artists are not in it for the money alone anyway.